A part of the sales of the "Sakura Color (pink color)" sweatshirts, sold last year, was donated to the "Sakura Fund", which aims to plant cherry trees in the areas affected by the Great East Japan Earthquake.
2011年3月11日。 東日本大震災の影響による大津波が、美しい東北の地に、甚大な被害をもたらしました。
March 11, 2011, a massive tsunami caused by the Great East Japan Earthquake tremendously destroyed the beautiful areas in Tohoku region, Japan.
“The Cherry Blossom Fund” is established by the NPO Sakura Namiki Network, which aims to plant cherry trees in the areas affected by the Great East Japan Earthquake for commemorating the victims of the earthquake and tsunami, as well as for using them as target points for evacuation in the event of a massive tsunami (Escape to higher ground than cherry trees.).
In the approval of this purpose, we donated for planting cherry trees.
植樹の期間は決まった季節(4月ごろ)に、被災地の地元住民の方々と、地元の造園業者によって行われるそうです。 植樹後の報告は初夏頃(6月頃)に頂けることになっておりますので、またご報告いたします。
The trees will be planted in April by people and gardeners in the disaster areas. We expect to receive a report on planting in June. We will make a more detail post later.
当ブランドは、「全ての人は花を有し、それを咲かせることが出来る」という、コンセプトを根幹にもつブランドで、 昨年よりブランド運営の一環として、SDGs活動に取り組んでおり、今回はSDGsの13番目のゴールである、「気候変動に具体的な対策を」にフォーカスしています。
KARMA et CARINA has a fundamental concept: every person has a flower and can make it bloom.
Since last year, we have been working on SDGs activities as part of our brand management.
This time, we are focusing on the 13th SDGs goal, "Climate action".
The new cherry blossom color sweatshirts will be available from early April this year.
※追記 2021-04-09
In response to the "Semi-emergency coronavirus measures" that took effect on April 5, we are postponing the release of the above products that were scheduled to go on sale in conjunction with the show to be held this month.
We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause, and thank you for your understanding.
Hideaki Kitasako